Profile of The Use of Traditional Medicines Among Adolescents in SMK Farmasi Teladan Demak
(1) Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Sanata Dharma
(2) School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah
(*) Corresponding Author
The use of traditional/herbal medicines is prevalent among Indonesians. However, the description of such use among adolescents is scarce. This study aimed to describe the profile of traditional medicine used by adolescents. This study conducted a descriptive survey as a preliminary study of a proposed research to explore adolescent intentions and behavior in the use of traditional medicines. Respondents were students of SMK Farmasi Teladan Demak. Data were obtained from 78 respondents using a structured interview guideline in Google Forms. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results of this preliminary study show the profiles of traditional medicines usage among adolescents, as follows: 1) 35% of respondents use traditional medicine once a month, 2) 44% of the respondents said the traditional medicine is more harmless than conventional medicine, 3) 96% of respondents showed an interest in "jamu gendong", 4) 86% of the respondent preferred "jamu beras kencur", 5) 79% of respondents use branded traditional medicine for the common cold, 6) 51% of respondents cited the Internet as a source of information about branded traditional medicines, and 7) 78% of respondents purchased branded traditional medicines at pharmacies. This preliminary study identified particular beliefs regarding traditional medicines among adolescents, such as it is safer, natural and practical. The Internet becomes the primary source of information about traditional medicines. The adolescents found it is easy to use traditional medicines, as they can be quickly obtained from a pharmacy. Further research is needed to explore the factors that influence the behavior of using traditional medicine among adolescents.
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Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Komunitas (Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Community)
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