Devina Sagitania, Purwoadi Sujatno, Fenty Fenty


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the diseases that annually shows an increase. An increase of DM prevalence will follow the increasing diabetic ulcers complication. Cholesterol could influence to create ulcer through atherosclerosis process. Ratio of total cholesterol/HDL is an important predictor to detect early risk of vascular complication in type 2 DM patients that can manifest as diabetic ulcers. This study aims to know whether there is any difference in the Total Cholesterol/HDL-C Ratio in type-2 DM patients with diabetic ulcers and without diabetic ulcers. This study was an analytic observational with cross-sectional approach. Data collection was done using the purposive sampling with a sample size of 30 patients of diabetes mellitus with diabetic ulcers and 30 patients without diabetic ulcers. The data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney. The median results in Total cholesterol/HDL-C ratio between Type-2 DM patients with diabetic ulcers and without diabetic ulcers were 6.025 and 3.680 respectively. The median of cholesterol total/HDL-C ratio Type-2 DM patients with diabetic ulcers was higher than those without diabetic ulcers. Mann-Whitney showed the value of P = 0.000, so that this study found a significant difference. In conclusion, the ratio of total cholesterol/HDL-C in type-2 DM patients with diabetic ulcer was significantly higher than type-2 DM patients without diabetic ulcers in Bethesda Hospital, Yogyakarta.


diabetic ulcers; HDL; total cholesterol; type-2 diabetes mellitus

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