Lev?s Minimax Strategy in Translating a Popular Article: Theory in Practice

Deta Maria Sri Darta


Translation is not merely a process of changing meaning from source language into the target one. It stretches far beyond to produce the result. To translate means to communicate; it conveys the message through language. As an act of communication, it touches other areas of disciplines, one of which is culture. Thus, in line with Lev?s proposal, translation is a decision process. This article would like to explore the process of translating an article taken from popular magazine Readers Digest Canada. It shows the application of Lev?s minimax strategy in coping with the problem of translating cultural aspect found in the text. The article concludes that some considerations need to be deeply thought before deciding the best way or choice to translate a text into the target language.

Keywords: translating culture, minimax strategy, translation shift

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24071/joll.v15i1.375


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