The Swings of Selendang: a Deconstruction Point of View of Toharis Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk (The Dancer)

Suzana Maria L.A. Fajarini


Employing different perspectives will result on different meanings of a scarf (selendang Javanese/Indonesian) in Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk (The Dancer). Known as an adornment and beautification for women in dancing costume, a scarf represents the shackle of the dancer, Srintil as the protagonist in the novel. In the different point of view, the same scarf can be a symbol of Srintils dominance against the patriarchal system. The novel itself shows subjugation towards women done by patriarchal system. Believed to be born as a ronggeng dancer, Srintil goes through oppressions since her early adolescent. However, employing Derridas deconstruction theory, this paper will argue that Srintil attempts very hard to achieve her liberation and to overturn the control. The swings of the scarf during the dancing denote the domination of the dancers fated life and her self-determination as a woman. Under a strong influence of Javanese female negotiation, Srintil endeavors to liberate herself although she is rendered to be unsuccessful yet, there are some efforts done by her. Through some discussion the readers are supposed to observe that Srintil who is treated unjustly by patriarchal society manipulatively resists and fights for her freedom.

Keywords: deconstruction, patriarchal system, subjugation, resistence


deconstruction; patriarchal system; subjugation; resistence

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