A Self-Confident Profile: An Analysis of the Novel The Old Man and the Sea

Majid Wajdi, Lien Darlina, I Nyoman Suka Sanjaya, Budi Susanto


This analysis examines Ernest Hemingway's classic novel, The Old Man and the Sea, through the lens of the self-confident profile portrayed by the protagonist, Santiago. The study delves into the themes of perseverance, man versus nature, isolation, and pride to unravel Santiago's unwavering self-assurance in the face of adversity. Through an exploration of the novel's characters, including Santiago and his young apprentice Manolin, as well as the symbolic representation of the marlin and the sea, the analysis reveals the nuances of Santiago's self-confidence and its impact on his actions and relationships. Additionally, the study investigates Hemingway's literary techniques, such as symbolism, imagery, minimalism, and stream of consciousness, to highlight how they contribute to the portrayal of Santiago's self-assured nature. Drawing on critical essays, scholarly articles, and comparative studies, the research contextualizes the self-confident profile within the broader scope of Hemingway's works and provides a comprehensive understanding of the character's development throughout the narrative. By shedding light on Santiago's resilience, dignity, and the internal strength he draws from his experiences, Reader-Response Criticism analysis offers valuable insights into the profound exploration of self-confidence and its significance in The Old Man and the Sea.


lesson of life; self-confidence; literary works; nature and the human life; perseverance

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