Pubg Fansubtitle: Strategies and Translation Acceptability

Dinda Adventina Laksita Puri, Truly Almendo Pasaribu


This study analysed the subtitling strategies and the acceptability of Indonesian fan subtitle in PewDiePie PUBG video entitled I WON!!!. There were ten subtitling strategies appearing in the subtitle: Transfer (40.9%), taming (22.3%), deletion (11.3%), expansion (7.9%), paraphrase (5.8%), condensation (2.7%), imitation (2.7%), resignation (1.2%), transcription (0.6%), and decimation (0.6%). The researcher also found four translation acceptability degrees in the subtitle: Ideal-acceptable (80,2%), acceptable (3,7%), unacceptable (9.8%), and failed (6.4%). Therefore, the Indonesian subtitle of I WON!!! is considered as acceptable translation because 83.9% of the translations are acceptable and the effective subtitling strategy to make acceptable translation is transfer.


fan subtitle; subtitling strategies; translation acceptability; gaming video

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