Facilitating Sounds in Indonesian

Praptomo Baryadi Isodarus(1*),

(1) Universitas Sanata Dharma
(*) Corresponding Author


This article presents the research result of facilitating sounds in Indonesian. Facilitating sound is a sound which facilitates the pronunciation of a sound sequence in a word. Based on the data analysis, the facilitating sounds in Indonesian are [?], [y], [w], [?], [m], [n], [?], [?] and [??]. Sound [?] facilitates the consonant cluster pronunciation in a word. Sound [y] facilitates the pronunciation of the sound sequences [ia] and [aia] among syllables and morphemes. Sound [w] facilitates the pronunciation of sound sequence [ua] among syllables and morphemes and the sound sequence of [oa] and [aua] among morphemes. Sound [?] facilitates the sound sequence [aa] among syllables and morphemes and the sound sequence [oa] among syllables. Sound [m] facilitates the pronunciation of nasal sound sequence [N] in prefixes me(N) or pe(N)- whose morpheme base begins with sounds [b, p, f, v]. Sound [n] facilitates the pronunciation of sound sequences [d] and [t] in the beginning of the morpheme base. Sound [?] facilitates the pronunciation of sound sequence [N] in prefixes me(N) or pe(N)- whose morpheme base begins with the vowels [a, i, u, e, ?, ?, o, ?], [g], [h] and [k]. Sound [?] facilitates the pronunciation of sound sequence [N] in prefixes me(N) or pe(N)- whose morpheme base begins with sounds of [j, c, s]. Sound [??] facilitates the pronunciation of words which are formed by prefixes me(N) or pe(N)- with one syllable morpheme base.

Keywords: facilitating sound, phonology, Indonesian


facilitating sound; phonology; Indonesian

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24071/joll.v18i2.1566


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