Resonance Empowered By Christianity

Kundong Kim(1*),

(1) Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this article is to understand the modern world better and to find what theology can contribute to it. Modernity has brought about many achievements for human beings, but they can be ambivalent in nature, sometimes with pathological consequences. The theory of resonance is an approach by a German sociologist, Hartmut Rosa, and is one of the meaningful responses to the ambivalent situations ofmodernity. It focuses on individuals’ ability to resonate in their life experiences. Its analysis ofthe modern society, which include Asian societies, and its proposals based on that analysis are very convincing, but some critical reflections from theological perspectives can provide a useful complement to the theory. The essay will use approaches from sociology and theology in order to access the resonance theory. The dialogue with theology shows that theology sheds light on the meaning ofpain and suffering in the human realities of evil and death, which the theory seems to neglect. It can bring about solidarity through prayers and offer a suitable pastoral approach. By enabling rethinking about time as a creation of God, theology can drive out fear against the phenomenon of acceleration and can help human beings to live out the present and to meet God in this very moment in life. Moreover, theology adds the dimension oftranscendence to life. On the other hand, Rosa’s concept ofresonance provides an occasion for these theological reflections and helps one to rethink the modern-day pastoral approach for people, believers and non-believers alike. In other words, confronting this theory helps Christianity to be more open to the modern world and to understand it better. It is hoped that the essay will further thedialogue of the theory with theology and the thoughts from other traditions such as in Asia



the ambivalence of modernity, the theory of resonance, Hartmut Rosa, acceleration

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