Agnes Maria Polina(1*), Christiyanti Aprinastuti(2), Hari Suparwito(3),

(1) Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia
(2) Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia
(3) Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


The learning process changed from classroom to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the things that must be done is to analyze the readiness of lecturers in facing online learning. The purpose of this study is to cluster the profiles of lecturers dealing with online learning. The clustering method uses a Machine Learning approach with the K-means algorithm. Data were taken from 274 lecturers who returned questionnaires during April–June 2022. The questionnaire consisted of 27 questions on a Likert scale (1–4). The Boruta technique is used to determine the five most significant variables (Variable Importance) in the clustering. The results of the clustering show that the lecturers are divided into 2 large groups with the following criteria: focus on learning methods, learning materials, student independence, exploration of new knowledge, and online learning evaluation tools.


Boruta, clustering, K-means, online learning, variable importance

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IJIET (International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching) is published twice a year, namely in January and July, by the Institute for Research and Community Services of Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.