Trisna Amelia(1*), Inelda Yulita(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Science literacy is the ability of students to understand science, communicate and make decisions about situations that occur in their lives. Without literacy skills, students seem to learn things, but they are not able to apply science in their lives. PISA test results indicate that secondary school students in Indonesia have a low literacy level. Science teachers have a great responsibility to work to develop scientific literacy in the learning process. Solution that can improve students 'scientific literacy is through learning designs that familiarize science with students' real lives. Science literacy can be grown through issues and factual conditions faced by students. For students in Riau Islands, the maritime / marine environment is the closest and most representative environment that they often face in their daily lives. Associated with learning science that emphasizes the formation of scientific literacy, put forward studies or real examples of various aspects and maritime phenomena become very relevant to do. Problems in the field (SMA Negeri 4 Tanjungpinang) in learning science, especially biology and chemistry, which emphasizes maritime insight with the aim of developing scientific literacy has not been maximally carried out. The capacity and experience of teachers in designing maritime insight-based learning with the aim of growing scientific literacy is a limiting factor in this regard. This condition requires a solution through a program of activities that can facilitate biology and chemistry teachers to be able to design learning oriented to the formation of scientific literacy by integrating maritime insights.


biology, chemistry, maritim-based learning, learning design


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