Cornelius Iman Sukmana(1*),

(1) Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya, Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author



Di masa Pandemi Covid-19, pemerintah mengeluarkan aturan pembatasan sosial. Akibatnya, kehidupan beragama, termasuk Gereja Katolik, harus menyesuaikan diri dengan aturan itu. Untuk itu, Gereja Katolik Katedral Jakarta menyelenggarakan misa secara online atau live streaming, . Misa ini dialami sebagai misa virtual, yakni Umat mengalami “misa” yang tidak konkret seakan-akan mengalami misa riil. Pengalaman misa viratual ini adalah pengalaman hiperrealitas religius, yakni pengalaman yang melampaui kenyataan yang sebenarnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fenomenologi kultural religius, dengan cara observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka dan penelusuran data internet. Objek penelitian adalah fenomena misa virtual dan pengalaman Umat menghayati misa virtual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fenomena misa virtual menjadi semakin natural, wajar dan normal, khususnya selama Pandemi Covid-19. Dengan berpartisipasi dalam misa virtual, Umat Katolik pun menjadi Gereja Virtual.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government issued social distancing rules. As a result, religious life, including the Catholic Church, must adapt to these rules. For this reason, the Jakarta Cathedral Catholic Church is holding the online or live-streaming mass. This mass is experienced as a virtual mass, that is, the people experience a "mass" that is not concrete as if they are experiencing a real mass. This virtual mass experience is an experience of religious hyperreality, i.e. an experience that goes beyond the actual reality. This research uses the religious cultural phenomenology method through observation, interviews, literature study, and internet data browsing. The objects of this research are the virtual mass phenomenon and the experience of the people living in the virtual mass. The research results show that the virtual mass phenomenon is becoming more natural, reasonable, and normal, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. By participating in the virtual Mass, Catholics also become a Virtual Church.


hiperrealitas; Misa Virtual; Katedral Jakarta; Gereja Virtual


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Jurnal Teologi (Journal of Theology) by Faculty of Theology Sanata Dharma University 

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