'Human Dignity' dalam Pemikiran Yohanes Paulus II dan Relevansi untuk Dunia Masa Kini

Michael Reskiantio Pabubung(1*),

(1) Sanata Dharma University
(*) Corresponding Author


We are in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is everywhere. We know surely that it has great impacts to human progress especially in healthcare, education, economics, and environment. Our tasks become easier by the help of AI. Unfortunately, besides its enormous benefit, AI can also be a threat to humanity.  What kind of the threat and how theology should contribute? This question is analyzed and answered from moral theology point of view by using the method of contextual theology. This essay finds that algorithmic bias in AI system is a threat to humanity especially in the name of human dignity. Pope John Paul II in his Evangelium Vitae (1995) no 3. says, “Every threat to human dignity and life must necessarily be felt in the Church’s very heart”.  It is important and urgent to build a theology vis-a-vis AI. Theology cannot escape from AI especially when it encounters human dignity. While looking toward todays’ impacts of AI, analysis on John Paul II’s thougths on human dignity leads to a meaningful point in Fides et Ratio (1998) about cooperation between theologians, philosophers, and scientists which could be realized through dialogue.


Artificial intelligence, Bias algoritma, dialog, human dignity, imago dei, pengalaman


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24071/jt.v10i1.2905


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Jurnal Teologi (Journal of Theology) by Faculty of Theology Sanata Dharma University 

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