Conrads Efficiency in An Outpost of Progress

Daisy Ariesta, Emanuella Christine Natalia Mau


This study aims at finding out Conrads efficiency in An Outpost of Progress. The efficiency itself means the characteristic of being human which is found in Conrads An Outpost of Progress that is directed on how white people should act. The main character of this story is analyzed using the theory of character The theory of author and voice is used to crosscheck the findings in theory of characters. These theories contribute to find out Conrads voice in the story.

This study finds out that Conrad is emphasizing the importance of efficiency to white men. This study also supports Achebes statement toward Conrad being a racist. It is because Conrad is proud of having the efficiency and is looking down at the other race.

Keywords: Efficiency, Joseph Conrad, Outpost of Progress


Efficiency; Joseph Conrad; Outpost of Progress

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