Faith in the Revelation of Love Through The Sacred Heart of Jesus

John Phan Quốc Thắng(1*),

(1) Kongregasi SCJ
(*) Corresponding Author


The love of God expressed through the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a supernatural mystery of God that is difficult for humans to fully understand. But we can enter into a true intimacy with God in this mystery by trusting in Christ, who expressed God's love in a human way as we meditate on His journey on this world. Perhaps at this point many people wonder why it is said that faith is something that can help us to delve into this great revelation? Why can the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is also a heart of flesh, be a concrete expression of God's Love, which produces salvation? That is what the author will explore and clarify in this short research paper. Within the scope of this article, the author will apply the method of analysis – synthesis to list and combine some important term’s definitions related to the topic presented. In addition, data collection techniques using a method based on reference research and historical research with a descriptive and historical approach from many researchs that related to the topic of the discussion is also needed to present the relationship between faith and the mystery of God's love as a revelation to man throughout history, in which the culmination of this revelation is Jesus Christ. Through the relationship between Christ and his heavenly Father, we can realize the intimate relationship between the love of the creator, the redeemer, and the sanctifier for humanity. Thereby strengthening Catholics' faith in the love of God who created and loved man from the beginning of creation and continues to “love them to the end” (Jn 13: 1).


faith, revelation, Sacred Heart, Sacred Heart’s love, love of God.

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