Erwin Sasmito(1*), Emanuel Pranawa Dhatu Martasudjita(2), Yohanes Subali(3),

(1) University of Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta
(2) University of Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta
(3) Sanata Dharma University
(*) Corresponding Author


Covid-19 has changed the order of people’s lives in society all over the world, this includes also the Catholic Church’s order of living. One of the affects that Catholics feel, be that those living in cities or in the outskirts, is the initiating of online Eucharist masses. As experienced by the Catholic Church all over the world, the Catholic Church in Indonesia experiences inevitable adaptations in regards to applying both online and offline masses. This article is a result of research in regards to the understanding and perceiving of the Catholic people towards online and offline masses during the times of the covid-19 pandemic in one of the provinces in the Republic of Indonesia, which includes both urban and rural areas. This research utilizes a mix method namely quantitative and qualitative through theological, and liturgical approach. The result of the research shows that generally Catholic people still comprehend and perceive offline Masses as something important, but several people are beginning to get used to online Masses which causes inclinations towards perceiving both online and offline masses as two sides of the same coin.  


offline Mass, online Mass, covid-19, understanding of Eucharist, perceiving of Eucharist

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ISSN: (validity starting Volume 2 Nomor 2, Februari - Juli 2021) 2775-3425

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Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.