The Pattern of Biblical Synodality in The Acts of The Apostles and Its Relevance to The Asian Catholic Families Today

Raden Paulus Edi Widiasta(1*),

(1) Universitas Sanata Dharma
(*) Corresponding Author


Synodality is defined as the way of life and act of the Church. The question is whether this way of life and act has only begun recently, especially when the synod for synodality was echoed throughout the universal Church or it has been existed since the early Church. This article aims to trace the theme of synodality as the way of life and act of the early Church in the Acts of the Apostles. The Lukan sequel was chosen because it recorded many stories about the early Church. Narrative analysis focusing on the formal structure of the plot is used to explore the synodality theme presented in the texts. The goal is to find a biblical synodality pattern that could be duplicated step by step by the Asian Catholic Families today. This is the relevance of synodality as the way of life and act of the early Church for the Asian Catholic Family today as the most basic level of the Church.


Synod, Synodality, The Acts of the Apostles, Biblical Pattern, The Asian Catholic Families

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