Warih Andan Puspitosari(1*), Shanti Wardaningsih(2), Ahim Abdurrahim(3),

(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(3) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The impact of mental disorders is a decrease in personal, social and work functions in people who experience it, thereby reducing productivity and quality of life. Management of mental disorders, currently focused on im-proving the quality of life. One indicator of quality of life is independence and productivity of people with mental disorders (ODGJ). Business assis-tance provided after ODGJ has recovered from its disruption will help ODGJ to be productive again. One of the businesses that have been initiat-ed by partners, namely the Lentera Harmoni Jiwa (LemJiwa) Foundation, is the OBAH (Omah Buah Barokah) business. The LemJiwa Foundation is a community social organization engaged in mental health located in DIY. Activities undertaken include mental health education for ODGJ, families and communities, as well as helping ODGJ to be productive (empower-ment) again. The proposer is partnering with the LemJiwa Foundation to develop the OBAH Business program for ODGJ. The aim of the program is to improve work skills for ODGJs and in the end is expected to increase ODGJ productivity. The program starts with making an agreement between the proposing team and partners, continued with coordination, and prepar-ing facilities and infrastructure. The proposing team develops a schedule of program activities, modules, and evaluation instruments. Implementers of the OBAH Business program for ODGJ are administrators of the LemJiwa Foundation who have been trained by a community service team that has expertise in mental health. Participants were 6 ODGJ members of the LemJiwa Foundation, aged 18-50 years, stable clinical condition, taking medication regularly, having a family as a caregiver and willing to join the program. Participants come every weekday, 8:00 to 14:00, follow the schedule of activities, for 1 month. The activity was accompanied by the organizers of the LemJiwa Foundation and the facilitator. Participants ex-perience an increase in independence and productivity after implementing the program. Participants have jobs, earn income and feel satisfaction.


people with mental disorder, ODGJ, dependency, productivity


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