Yayat Sujatna(1*), Sutia Budi(2),

(2) Jurusan Manajemen, STIE Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The aim of implementing the Entrepreneurship Development Program at STIE Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta is to create new science and technology-based entrepreneurs for students and alumni of STIE Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta. Specific targets of this service were (1) Increased knowledge, motivation and ability of tenants in entrepreneurship so that tenants would be more interested and motivated in creating and developing businesses; (2) Tenants were able to understand business management (production, finance, and marketing) so that tenants can make business plans well; (3) Increased sales and income for tenants who already had a business; (5) Creating at least 5 new types of business each year based on science and technology. The method used in implementing this KDP was the Participatory Action Learning System (PALS) approach through three stages, namely the awareness phase; Capaciting, mentoring (scaffolding), and entrepreneurship (entrepreneur capacity building) phases; and Institutional phase, namely coordination between institutions. The activities that were implemented were recruitment of tenants, class material, business motivation and inspiration, tenant internships, business visits, packaging training, e-commerce training, online store registration, business fairs, establishment of business forums, online shop creation, article writing for journals, making articles for national newspapers, and making videos. The result of this activity was the creation of five new entrepreneurs based on science and technology.


Entrepreneurship Development, PALS, tenants


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Altruis Sertifikat Sinta 5 (S5 = Level 5)

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