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IJIET (International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching)

IJIET (International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching) is published in English twice a year, namely in January and July, by the Institute for Research and Community Services of Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta. IJIET welcomes articles on education and teaching. 

All articles to be submitted must be written in excellent English. Authors throughout the world are welcome to submit their original, unpublished full paper contribution all year round; there exists no specific deadline.

The focus and scope of IJIET (International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching) include the following main fields:

1. education such as curriculum policy, secondary school assessment and private university challenges
2. teaching (and learning) of any subject or course, for example, mathematics, biology and history, and at any level such as kindergarten, elementary school, college and university.

Other related topics on education and teaching (and learning) will also be considered.

Publications in IJIET are completely free of charge -- with no article submission charges, no article processing charges and no article publication charges.

Authors throughout the world are warmly welcome to submit original and unpublished papers anytime, all year round.

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Indonesian Journal of English Language Studies (IJELS)

Indonesian Journal of English Language Studies (IJELS), print and online versions, is a journal dedicated to contribute to the improvement of English Language Studies in Indonesia. It is intended to contribute to human progress and development by way of English Linguistics, Literature, Education and other relevant sub-disciplines. IJELS is not limited to ELS in Indonesia but covers ELS in any other countries throughout the world.

IJELS is managed and published in Yogyakarta by the English Language Studies of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, Indonesia twice a year, anmely in March and September. It is expected that IJELS will bring a new color of knowledge sharing to enrich the flourish of English Language teaching and studies across the universe. 

Authors throughout the world are warmly welcome to submit original and unpublished papers anytime, all year round.

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Info Persadha

Buletin Info Persadha merupakan media komunikasi dan informasi Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD), diterbitkan oleh Perpustakaan USD.

Redaksi menerima tulisan yang berkaitan dengan bidang  perpustakaan, dokumentasi dan informasi. Karangan akan dimuat dengan pertimbangan keaslian pemikiran dan relevansinya dengan bidang perpustakaan, dokumentasi dan informasi. 

Karangan yang dimuat tidak selalu mencerminkan pandangan redaksi Info Persadha.

Terbit 2 kali setahun pada bulan Februari dan Agustus. Terbit pertama kali tahun 2001.

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International Journal of Applied Sciences and Smart Technologies

International Journal of Applied Sciences and Smart Technologies (IJASST) is published by Faculty of Science and Technology, Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta-Central Java-Indonesia. IJASST is an open-access peer reviewed journal that mediates the dissemination of academicians, researchers, and practitioners in engineering, science, technology, and basic sciences which relate to technology including applied mathematics, physics, and chemistry. IJASST accepts submission from all over the world, especially from Indonesia

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International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS)

International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS), a double blind peer-reviewed journal, publishes scientific full papers written in English. IJHS is a biannual, published twice a year, namely in September and March.

Article submissions and publications in International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS) are free of charge -- without any article submission charges or article processing charges.

Authors throughout the world are warmly welcome to submit original and unpublished papers anytime, all year round.

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