Review Process

The review process of an article is expected to take normally one (1) up to three (3) months but it may take longer depending on the number of papers currently being reviewed. The following are the four main steps of the review process.

  1. The completed manuscript uploaded by the author(s) to the UC Journal (Universal Contributor Journal) website is then assigned by the Section Editor to see the editorial process.
  2. The editor will invite reviewers to give proper assessment and judgement of the submitted manuscript.
  3. The result of the review will be communicated to the editor for onward transmission to the author(s).
  4. If required, the author(s) will revise the manuscript in light of the reviewers’ comments and suggestions and resubmit the manuscript within two to six weeks. When the manuscript is finally accepted for publication, the editor will schedule the publication and inform the author(s) of the particular number and volume of the journal in which the article will be published. 

Each paper will go through a double-blind review process.

Authors are warmly welcome to submit original and unpublished papers anytime, all year round.

We look forward to receiving your article contributions.  Thank you.

UC Journal: ELT, Linguistics and Literature Journal

UC = Universal Contributor