Kehidupan Wayang Potehi di Era Industri 4.0

Chandra Halim


The culture of the Tionghoa community is very diverse, acculturation of Tionghoa culture with local culture is also common in Java. One of the Tionghoa cultural heritages that are well known to the public is the Potehi puppet. Potehi is a puppet played by hand, almost similar to puppet art in Europe. This puppet was known by Tionghoa people since the Han dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD), but it became increasingly popular during the Song dynasty. Seeing Potehi's long history, of course many changes will occur. In this paper, we discuss the life of Potehi puppets in the industrial era 4.0. Significantly, this paper wants to describe the existence of the Potehi puppet, as well as the extent of the Potehi puppet life in modern times. The research method used in this research is mostly qualitative research with a narrative description approach. The results obtained show that Potehi's movement is so dynamic, where there is a marriage between Potehi and technology that produces potehi performances through IT-based social media (Information Technology) such as Youtube, Instagram, as well as through live streaming. The enthusiasm of the community is getting higher and it is believed by Potehi activists that this puppet from Tiongkok will continue to live and develop in society.


Keywords: Potehi, Puppet, Tionghoa Culture, Acculturation

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