Author Guidelines

Please prepare your manuscript before submission using the following guidelines :

Article files should be provided in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).

Article Title
A title of 12 (twelve) words maximum should be provided.

Article Length

Articles should be between 10-15 pages, not including references. A maximum of 4 pages long appendices are allowed.

Structured Abstract

The structure of the articles submitted consists of :

  • Research Purposes
  • Methods/Approach
  • Findings
  • Research Contribution/Novelty
  • Conclusions

Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English. Abstract writing consists of 200-250 words. Times New Roman font type, size 11pt, single spacing.

The maximum number of keywords are 5 (five) words.

Article Composition
the composition of the articles should be arranged as follows :

  • Introduction; this section contains background problems, brief literature reviews, research problems, research objectives, and contributions to the development of science according to the field of study under study. The description in the introduction is written in a descriptive narrative without being given sub-titles.
  • Researh Method; this section describes the methods used in the research. This includes the stages of research and the approaches used in research and writing.
  • Result and Discussions; This section describes the results and discussion in accordance with the research objectives presented in the introduction. This chapter contains the results of research studies and their discussion. This section also displays the latest findings that have novelty value, as well as scientific discussions by reviewing previous studies. In this section, for conceptual study articles or ideas, subtitles can be given according to the author's needs.
  • Conclusions; This section contains research conclusions, made up to a maximum of two paragraphs. Conclusions are written in short, concise and clear sentences. Conclusions are made in accordance with the objectives, results and discussion. And includes suggestions for further research.

This section is a bibliography, according to the references referred to in the writing. Arrange them alphabetically. All bibliography and citations must use the 6th edition APA (American Psychological Association) stlye, and are expected to use the Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote applications.

Gagne, R.M. 1974. Essentials of Learning and Instruction. New York : Holt Rinehalt and Winston.


Holmes, C.C., and Mallick, B.K. 2003. “Generalized Nonlinear Modeling with Multivariate Free-Knot Regression Spline.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 98, No. 462, pp. 352-365.


Lyche, T., and Morken, K. 2004. Spline Methods, Draft, Retrieved from http://www.ub.uio.n./umn/english/index.html, on 23th Feb 2005.


Mallian, H. 2006. Studi Literatur tentang Model Peramalan ARMA dan Selang Kepercayaan Parameter Model dengan Menggunakan Bootstrap, Tugas Akhir, Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya.


Popkewitz, T.S. 1994. “Profesionalization in  teaching and teacher education : some notes on its history, idiology, and potential”. Journal of Teaching and Teacher Education, 10 (10) 1-14.