Interpretasi Penaklukan Kota Yerikho dalam Yosua 6:1-27 Menurut Origenes

Luccianus Oktavianus Mite


Stories of violence in Scripture are often used as an excuse to commit acts of violence. This is a serious threat to life. Moreover, stories like this give rise to many negative interpretations. The story of Joshua 6:1-27 describes in detail the narrative of violence. It features Joshua and God as the main characters (cf. Josh 6:27). Joshua commands his people to attack and destroy the city of Jericho, killing all its inhabitants. Through a literature study, this paper will discuss the interpretation of Joshua 6 in the view of Origenes the Church Father. In his opinion, Joshua is not a historical figure but the typos of Jesus. Origenes says that the book of Joshua does not so much show the deeds of Joshua the son of Nun as it shows us the mystery of Jesus the Lord.


violence, Origenes, book of Joshua, Church Fathers


Origen, Homilies on Joshua, Trans. Barbara J. Bruce & Cynthia White, (Washington D.C: The Catholic University of America Press, 2002).

Paul Cakra, “Interpretasi Yosua 6:1-27 tentang Penumpasan Kota Yerikho terhadap Kekerasan Atas Nama Agama”, Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual, Vol 2, No. 2, (IAKN Toraja, Desember 2019).

Widodo, A. (2020). The MeThods and CriTerion of origen and MaxiMus Confessor’s exegesis in inTerpreTing sCripTures’ Verses on ViolenCe: iTs releVanCe To preVenT radiCalisM and fundaMenTalisM. Journal of Asian orientation in theology, 2, 1-26.

Bobby Steven Octavianus Timmerman MSF, Pengantar Seminar: Kekerasan dalam Alkitab, (Fakultas Teologi Wedabhakti, 2022)



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