Filsafat Taoisme

Oktavianus Nefrindo, Yovendi Mali Koli


Taoist philosophy cannot be confused with other Eastern philosophical traditions. It is anti-system and has unique elements. Metaphysically, Taoism is monistic, with everything coming from the Dao or Tao. Ontologically, everything exists because it participates in the Tao, and its essence is within the Tao itself. Axiologically, Taoism values individual happiness achieved by harmonizing with the laws of nature. Ethically, Taoism sees the universe as originating from the Tao, and to return to the Tao, one must harmonize oneself with the rhythm of nature. Epistemologically, Taoism approaches truth with negativity, as the Tao cannot be expressed in human language. Institutionalized Taoism as a religion betrays its historical context stemming from the withdrawal of the individual from institutionalized society. Moreover, the theme of Yin and Yang in Taoism is often misunderstood as a strict dualism, whereas it only exists on a phenomenal level. It is this complexity of Taoism that this paper seeks to highlight.


Tao, Taoist philosophy, Wu-wei, Yan-Yin, nature, Harmony


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