CB. Mulyatno(1*),

(1) Dosen Fakultas Teologi Universitas Sanata Dharma
(*) Corresponding Author


Yusuf Bilyarta Mangunwijaya (1929-1999) is well known as an Indonesian architect, writer, Catholic religious leader and social worker who help those who were poor, oppressed and marginalised by political system and policy. When he was sixteen, he joined the People's Security Army for defending Independency of Indenesia. Then he was aware of the important contritution of the villagers for achieving Indonesian independency. This awareness urges him to dedicate himself for serving others. As a priest, he served the people from various religions, especially the poor. What are the principal virtues of YB. Mangunwijaya? His principal virtues cover his writings and social concern. Therefore, the first step of this research is to represent the traces of his activities. Then, the following step is the analysis on his writings to reveal the main virtue that influences his life and activities. Love is the main vuritue that inspires Mangunwijaya to actualize justice, fraternity, solidarity and peace in the society.

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 Indexed and abstracted in:

P-ISSN: 2302 - 5476 (Validity starting Volume 2012-10-05) 

E-ISSN: 2579 - 3934 (Validity starting Volume 6, No. 1, Mei 2017)

Jurnal Teologi (Journal of Theology) by Faculty of Theology Sanata Dharma University 

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.