Keterbukaan Kodrati Manusia Kepada Yang Ilahi Dalam Laction 1893 Maurice Blondel

Bernard Hayon(1*),

(1) Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Katolik Ledalero, Maumere, NTT
(*) Corresponding Author


Maurice Blondel, born in Dijon, Paris, November 2, 1891, was one among the
greatest philosophers of the twenty century. In his philosophy of action he
was developing classic Neo-Platonism and modern Pragmatism in one context
of Christian philosophy. His most concern was to overcome the old split
between faith and reason. In his lAction (1893) he bridged the gap between
theory and praxis, which was once created by Kant. Action is the key term in
his philosophy, for it is precisely the very bridge that unites between the two.
Action is vinculum subtantiale (substansial chain) which bind ideas or thought,
which is in mind and facts, which exists outside. Yet he convinced also that
action itself never satisfies the quench of man. The need of man is unlimited
and would only be met by the perfecting action which is God Himself.

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