Berfilsafat Sebagai Gerakan Mewujudkan Perdamaian Dunia Menurut Eric Weil

Carolus Borromeus Mulyatno(1*),

(1) Fakultas Teologi, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Eric Weil (1904-1977) is a French Philosopher, emigrated from Germany. In the beginning of World War II, he enlisted in French army to fight the Nazi invasion. The experience of holocaust has urged him to offer a concrete contribution for the sake of humankind. He was deeply concerned with social problems, yet his main interest was philosophy. He understood philosophy as a virtue of rational dialogue to avoid violence and barbarism. Violence prevented human person to be wise. The task of philosopher is to support dialogue between the existing discourses, and to develop rational culture marked by freedom and responsibility in creating a more peaceful world. For Weil, a philosophical reflection is essentially related to politics as well as to the whole of human life. Philosophy is a moral movement or dynamic choices for transforming the world from the state of instinctive characters to the rational state of peaceful life.

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Philosophy and The Meaning of Life (Menggapai Makna Hidup Menuju Kearifan

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Cormier, R., Ewing Chinn, Richard H Linerback & William K. Frankena (Ed.),

Encounter: An Introduction to Philosophy, Scott Foresman And Company, New York.

Mcmillan, E.,

The Significance of Moral Universality: The Moral Philosophy of Eric

Weil, Philosophy Today.

Negri, A.,

Schiller e la morale di Kant, Milella, Lecce.

Ohotimur, J.,

Pengajaran Filsafat dan Filsafat Praktis, Orientasi Baru (XVII,2) 161-170.

Schirolollo, L.,

La dialettica degli antichi e dei moderni, Mulino, Bologna.

Taboni, P.F.,

Educazione e istruzione: Scienza e disciplina umanistiche oggi, Istituto Italiano

Per Gli Studi Filsufici, Napoli.

Tarnas, R.,

The Passion of The Western Mind, Ballantin Books, New York.

Tebey, N.,

Kebebasan Beragama dalam Ajaran Paus Yohanes Paulus II, Studia

Philosophica et Theologica (VIII, 2) 148-164.

Weil, E.,

Philosophie morale, Paris.

Philosophie et Ralit, Beauchesne, Paris.

Logique de la philosophie (La logica della filsufia), terjemahan ke dalam bahasa

Italia oleh Livio Sichirillo, Il Mulino, Milan.


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