Dinamika Relasi Manusia dengan Allah Menurut Thomas Merton

Petrus Tunjung Kesuma(1*),

(1) Seminari Tinggi Keuskupan Agung Jakarta Tahun Rohani KAJ
(*) Corresponding Author


Mertons thought on Christians involvement in human issues is the result of his
struggle in living spiritual life. At first, as a young monk he thought that in order
to meet God someone must break away from all sorts of problems that occur in
society. However, in subsequent developments, he discovered that when people
walked toward God through contemplation, where he had to detach his false self
and then discover his inner self, he will find that in his inner self a person is not
only in unity with God, but also with his fellowmen. Thus contemplation is a sea
of love where person is in unity with God and his fellowman. Contemplation is a
dynamic experience of loving God animating a fraternal and peaceful life.

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Thomas Merton and Monastic Vision, Wiliam B. Eerdsmans Publishing Company,


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Mertons Palace of Nowhere. A Search for God through Awareness of the True Self,

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Thomas Merton on Prayer, Doubleday, New York.

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Thomas Mertons American Prophecy, State University of New York, New


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The Solitary Explorer: Thomas Mertons Journey, Harper & Row, San Francisco.

Mc Donell, T., (ed)

A Thomas Merton Reader, Doubleday, New York.

Merton, T.,

Seed of Contemplation, New Direction, New York.

The Living Bread, Farrar Strauss Cudahy, New York.

Contemplative in A World of Action, Doubleday, New York.

The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton, New Direction, New York.

The Silent Life, Sheldon Press, London.

Dispute Question, Harcourt Brace, Jovanovich, Orlando.

Love and Living, Harvest Book, San Diego.

The Seven Storey Mountain, SPCK, London.

A Search for Solitude, The Journal of Thomas Merton, Harper Collins, San


Learning to Love, Harper Collins, San Fransisco.

New Seed of Contemplation, Burn & Oates, Kent.

The New Man, Burn &Oates, Kent.

Pennington, B.,

Thomas Merton My Brother: His Journey to Freedom, Compassion and Final Integration, New City, London.

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Thomas Mertons Dark Path, The Inner Experience of A Contemplative, Farrar Straus Giroux, New York.

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Thomas Mertons Paradise Journey, Writings on Contemplation, Burns & Oates. Kent.


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