KATEKESE TRANSFORMATIF-IMAGINATIF : Identitas Ilmu Kateketik di Zaman yang Berubah
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A certain perplexity and confusion in pastoral and academic circles on the specificity of catechetics as a scientific enterprise prompts the author to search for what is specific in catechetics as a branch of science. Besides he also asks what would the future of catechetics be like? In an attempt to answer these questions, the author approaches it by first exploring various and complex relationships between catechetics and other branches of science, in particular theology, pedagogy and other humanistic sciences and tries to pin out from within these interdisciplinary interactions the specific traits of catechetics. Put within the perspective of digital age in the form of Industry 4.1., these characteristics are to be sought not so much in the individual internal process within catechetics as in its openness towards the challenges posed by the dynamic progress of sciences as well as the continuing change in the surrounding cultures in which catechesis is taking place. Insofar as catechetics is able to help transforming the existing social condition under the light of Christian tradition, catechetics will always find the way to deliver its own specific scientific identity.
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