The Ter-ater Tradition in Social Harmonization: Conflict Resolution in the West Bilapora Village Head Election

Nur Fadiah Anisah(1*),

(1) Postgraduate School, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to see how the tradition of ter-ater (distributing something, usually food, to relatives and close neighbors) of the Madurese community is able to become a solution to the conflicts that arise during the Village Head Election (Pilkades) in West Bilapora. This study uses Max Weber's theory of action and the theory of hegemony offered by Gramsci. This research concludes that ter-ater can have direct implications in the conflict of two or more parties, if it is carried out by people in power who become community leaders. During the pre-election period, giving ateran to rivals is almost an error, which engenders misgivings. However, giving ateran to the people will generate sympathy for the candidate. Post-election, ter-ater can become a symbol for the village head's effort to open "new doors" toward social harmonization.


ter-ater; Pilkades; conflict resolution



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Copyright (c) 2022 Nur Fadiah Anisah

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Retorik: Jurnal Ilmu Humaniora is published by the Graduate Program in Cultural Studies at Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

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