Ignatia Esti Sumarah(1*), Eny Winarti(2), Laurensia Aptik E.(3), M. Agustina Amelia(4),

(*) Corresponding Author


The implementation of International Primary Curriculum (IPC) as a relatively new international curriculi in Indonesia motivated the researchers to do intensive study. The IPC teachers and the students of elementary teacher educationas the will-be elementary school teachers required an example of IPC development in the Indonesian context and lesson plans for Indonesian character development for the students.
There were five steps included in this study, namely: identification of potential and challenges;data collection; product design; design validation; and product revision. The product was validated twice: once, by two lecturers who taught International curriculum and again, by two IPC teachers. The average score of the validation was 3.76 from the maximum score 4. This result indicated that the product was excellent and eligible to be published.
This product was considered to be excellent because this book included: five articles that reflected the character education in contextual based curriculum, in this case IPC; one example of IPC learning proces that integrated Indonesian character education; flowers and insects unit of work in IPC; learning assessment in flowers and insects unit; grading rubric including the descriptors of students character development; and itemized checklist for systematic character development.
Keywords: international primary curriculum, character building, indonesian context, lesson plans, and grading rubric.

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What is the IPC.


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