Antonius Hendro Noviyanto(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Blood pressure measurement is a routine activity that must be performed by health personnel in observing the condition of a patient. Measurements used by health personnel must be accurate. The inaccuracy of the measuring instrument used may lead to a false diagnosis of the patient. The inaccuracy of a blood pressure measuring device (sphygmomanometer) can be avoided by calibrating the measuring device. The calibration of the device is performed by comparing the pressure reading values of the sphygmomanometer with the mercury sphygmomanometer. The accuracy of a calibration device on a sphygmomanometer has an accuracy limit of 0.8 mmHg. In this research will be designed pressure gauge (pressure tester) which can be used as a comparison of pressure reading results on the tool sphygmomanometer. At the pressure tester to be designed, use a more environmentally friendly MPXM2053GS pressure sensor than mercury. The output from the sensor will be amplified by the instrumentation amplifier signal circuit with IC INA114, so that sensor output will be more easily processed by microcontroller. Results from sensor data readings have an accuracy level of 0.55 mmHg, and will be displayed on LCD (liquid crystal display).

Keyword : sphygmomanometer, pressure tester, pressure sensor, signal conditioning, data acquisition.

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