Kintan Limiansih(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


This research aimed to understand the variety of questioning activity in student books. This research was descriptive. The objects analyzed were the elementary students books grade 1, 2, 4, and 5. The analysis was done by matching the questioning activity in student books with the indicator of questioning activity. From the analysis, it was found in the student books that there have been any instruction or task for the students to make a question. The dominant instruction found in the book was to make a question based on the pictures and texts provided, while the task questioning based on the observed real object/phenomenon was only in 5th grade book. In the student book, there was no task/command/instruction that leads the students to make a scientific question, to ask about the possibility that make happen if an object was given particular treatment, or to discuss and think about how to answer the question they asked. Therefore, additional steps were needed by teacher when they using the 2013 curriculum student book.

Keywords : questioning, student book, science.

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