Juster Donal Sinaga(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Character education is the cultivation of values to students through educational activities in schools. The purpose of this study is to get an overview of the character values that are the priority required by the students of SMP Stella Maris Tangerang, school Year 2014/2015 through the opinion of parents, students, and teachers. This type of research is quantitative with survey method. The technique of collecting data is using questionnaires amounting to 23 items. Subjects consisted of 103 students of class VII, 80 parents of students, and 16 teachers. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive using charts. The findings show that the top five character values required by the students of SMP Stella Maris Tangerang from 22 (twenty-two) character values surveyed are: 1) Religious; 2) To be honest; 3) Tolerance / Respect Diversity; 4) Confidence; 5) Democratic and Gotong Royong. While the bottom five character values required students of SMP Stella Maris Tangerang are: 1) Lifestyle (Skilled Set Money); 2) Love the Environment; 3) Nationalism; 4) Entrepreneurship; 5) Joy of Reading and Writing. The study also found a difference of opinion among parents, students, and teachers associated with the value of honest character. According to the students, the value of honest character was ranked 2nd, while according to parents and teachers are the 5th, and 7th. The findings of the latter is the character values of sexuality and nationalism are not seen as the high character values required by students of SMP Stella Maris Tangerang.

Keywords: character, character education, adolescents.

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