Muhammad Prayadi Sulistyanto(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Load cell is a mass sensor which has a value oscillating output, and has a high noise so it requires an additional system to reduce the noise. One way to reduce noise is by a low pass filter (LPF) with cut-off values specified. In addition to the LPF, other methods to reduce the noise are by the moving average method. Moving average is a filter to find the average value of an instrument at a specified time. This study is a continuation of previous research entitled Pengolahan Isyarat Load Cell SEN128A3B Menggunakan Metode Moving Average and Pengolahan Isyarat Load cell Menggunakan Metode Simple Moving Average Tingkat Dua dan Weighted Moving Average Tingkat Dua untuk Pencarian Titik Referensi. This research would like to try moving average method for processing 5Kg load cell signals and search reference point. Load cell 5Kg oscillating signal is very high and varied. Weighted moving average method can reduce oscillation well that the standard deviation value of 0.996 compared to the method of a simple moving average and the exponential moving average. Determination of the reference point on the signal 5Kg load cell can be performed using Simple Moving Average Level Two and Weighted Moving Average Level Two. Both methods have the same ability in the determination of the reference point on the load cell signal 5Kg.

Keywords: load cell, simple moving average, weighted moving average, exponential moving average, reference point.

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