Hg. Suseno T.W.(1*), A. Triwanggono(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


This research aims to find the profile of PKLs in food and beverages bussiness by discussing the bussiness through SWOT analysis and its future bussiness development strategy. This study involves 50 respondents of PKLs located in Jalan C Simanjuntak and Jalan Gejayan around some campuss.
This research is conducted using a descriptive analysis and through IFE-EFE calculation about strenghts (S), weaknesess (W), opportunities (O) and threads (T). The findings show that PKLs survive despite of any economic circumstances, that means the strenghts is bigger than the weaknesess (S > W), the opportunities is bigger than the threads (O > T). Use the two-sample t-test to determine about sales and profit, we cannot to reject the null hypothesis is mean no difference between two PKLs located.

Keywords: profile of PKL, SWOT analysis, business development strategy.

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