Antonius Yudhi Anggoro(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Suppose that V is an inner product space. We know that for all u,v V, | u,v |=||u||||v||cos , where is canonical angle between two subspaces generated by v and u. In this paper, we show generalization of this property in the standard generalized 2-inner product space. This generalization goes as follows: for all x1,x2,y1,y2V, |x1,x2|y1,y2 s|=|| x1,x2||||y1,y2||cos1, where j=1 or j=2. Geometrically, ||x1,x2|| and ||y1,y2|| respectively represent the area of parallelogram spaned by {x1,x2} and the area of parallelogram spaned by {y1,y2}. The value of ji=1? cos1 represents the cosinus of angle between sp{x1,x2} and sp{y1,y2}.

Keyword : canonical angle, standard generalized 2-inner product, standard generalized 2-inner product space.

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