Yulius Dwi Cahyono(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) Criteria good e-learning media. (2) The material in accordance with e-learning. (3) Use e-learning media in the teaching of history.
This study uses descriptive qualitative method and literature. Through this method, researchers use various sources of literature relevant to the research topic.
The results showed: (1) The e-learning media is good to have the first, attractive templates. E-learning with attractive templates will increase student interest to using that media. Second, have a communication features. This feature has an important role in providing the space and time that is more flexible to communicate or ask the lecturer. Limitations of space and time in class to do this can be resolved with communication features. Third, feature post to share materials, information and mass communication both from lecturer to students and vice versa, as well as among students. Fourth, features a library as a learning resource storage space. Fifth, assigment and quiz features to provide evaluation and assessment. Sixth, have a polling feature to create a poll. Seventh, features a progress report to monitor the progress of individual students. Eighth, features profiles that store all the personal information of students. (2) E-learning is best used on materials that are difficult to understand and require a long time in its delivery. (3) Lecturer need to create a clear learning contract and consistent in updating and responding to student questions and comments. Thinking in this study is expected to contribute in improving the quality of e-learning based moodle especially Excelsa USD.

Keywords: e-learning, edmodo, media, learning, history.

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