Apri Damai Sagita Krissandi(1*), Galih Kusumo(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to identify the level of participants understanding of the PLPG material. This research may also reveal the difficulties faced by participants related to the PLPG material. The material PLPG established by considering four teacher competence, namely 1) pedagogical, 2) professional, 3) personality, 4) social. Reality that had occurred, participants PLPG experiencing difficulties in terms of understanding the materials. This study describes the level of difficulty of the material PLPG to see PLPG participants perceptions. This research was conducted with reference to the type of survey research. Subjects in this study were participants PLPG Sanata Dharma the number of 124 participants. The location of this research is in LPMP Kalasan Yogyakarta. This activity was conducted from August to October 2014. Research instruments compiled by looking at the materials taught in PLPG participants and the concept of perception. PLPG perception questionnaire participants into the main data collection tool. A questionnaire was used to measure participants perceptions of the PLPG material. In addition, the researchers also used the interview to gather data that supports the main data. Based on the participants perceptions PLPG to 15 PLPG subject matter. There are 13 subject matter that is predicated quite incomprehensible, 2 subject matter predicated less incomprehensible. The material is less incomprehensible Module 5 in which there is a sub material on reasoning Mathematics, Social Studies, and the study of language and literature in Indonesia. Curriculum materials is a matter of the most poorly understood by participants PLPG, with a low score of 2.41.

Keywords: perception, PLPG material, participants PLPG, survey

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