Nugroho Budi Wicaksono(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Health Level 7 (HL7) is not an application or a software, it is like a dictionary or an encyclopedia which contains a set of syntaxes that is used for a programmer and analyst. This set of rules is used to facilitate information exchange between two or more systems. In healthcare community, HL7 has been applied for home monitoring system and wireless body area network. Chameleon software is implemented in home monitoring system. Chameleon uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) as an encryption algorithm.
In recent development of information and communication technology around e-health, medical records, and security. Those topics will have an impacts for the future in healthcare services scenarios. Some of this scenarios is focused on Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), this technology is supported by the advancement of low-power wireless technology, low-power microcontroller system, plug and play device buses, handheld computer and also an electronics medical records. The implementation HL7 in WBAN system also using a chameleon to facilitate the data transfer security.

Keywords: health level 7, information security, home monitoring system, wireless body area network

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