Catur Rismiati(1*),

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The purpose of this study was to explore primary grade teachers concern about an educational reform initiative called Integrated Thematic Instruction (ITI) in Indonesia. In 2006, the Indonesian Ministry of Education mandated primary school teachers to implement ITI. Using a convenience sampling method, 150 teachers in one major province in Indonesia participated in the study. The data collection method used a standardized questionnaire from The Stages of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ). The data analysis employed in this research involved descriptive, quantitative methodologies. The results of the study revealed that the teachers have unresolved awareness and self-informational concerns. This study provides perspectives on curriculum implementation in general and ITI in particular by adding to the small body of existing literature concerning how teachers regard the new policy implementation. This study provides insight into policy implementation approaches by clarifying how the new curriculum can be adapted during the reform process. Recommendations of this study include the need to build a comprehensive system for monitoring, supervising, and scaffolding teachers implementation of ITI.

Key words : integrated thematic instruction, stages of concern, curriculum reform.

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