Agnes Indar Etikawati(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research was to describe children apperception on father and mother figure. Apperception is an interpretation that is formed by past experinces. The result of this research show parents role, either the fathers or the mothers in Yogyakarta. The result also could indicate the parenting practices in Yogyakarta that could be protective and risk factors of children mental health. Data in this research were stories of 49 children who live in Yogyakarta, which taken from documents of CAT (Children Apperception Test) report.

The result suggests that current parenting practices in Yogyakarta still represents traditional Javanese parenting and also parenting in Asian in common, i.e. to do more strict or directive control to the child beside providing basic care and assistance. Although most of subjects (75%) percept role equality between father and mother in parenting (involvement in childrens daily activities), father and mother seen as different character. Father is more seen as figure who works for earning money, doing his own activities and also play with children while mother is more seen as figure who cares, guides, and controls the children. This research found that there were eight parenting role, whereas the role of accesibility (present and involve in daily child activities) become a prominent role for subjects. The prominent of accesibility role could be a protective factor, while using more power assertion in discipline, less expression of love, and less accesibility for some subjects could be risk factors.

Key words : apperception, father and mother role, parenting practices.

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