Felicita Noviani Tyas Utami(1*), Aquilina Tanti Arini(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Lacking in awareness to protect privacy through social networking put adolescence at risk of cyberabuse. Any number of such cases in female adolescences evoked the question, compare with male adolescence, whether female adolescence had less positive attitude toward their privacy in social networking sites. The aim of this study was to examine the differences of attitude toward privacy in social networking sites between male and female adolescences. The subjects were 136 adolescences, consist of 60 male and 76 female. The data were collected by the scale of Attitude toward Privacy in Social Networking Sites. The Alpha-Cronbach reliability of this scale was 0,808. Independent Sample t-test was used to data analyses. The result showed that there was significant differences of attitude toward privacy in social networking sites between male and female adolescence with t value = 8,645, p (one tail)= 0.000 (p<0.05), female adolescences had less positive attitudes toward privacy in social networking sites than male adolescences.
Keywords: Attitude, Privacy, Social Networking, Adolescence, Gender.

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