Y. Niken Sasanti


Speech act of forbidding is uttered to prevent the speech partner to do a certain action. The speech act of forbidding has various forms, using expressions (i) terima kasih, (ii) tidak boleh, (iii) jangan, (iv) dilarang, (v) mohon followed by tidak, (vi) sebaiknya followed by tidak, (vii) containing threat, (viii) in the form of affirmative sentence, and (ix) of interrogative sentence. There are two strategies in using the speech act of forbidding, they are, direct and indirect strategies. The direct strategies include the expressions (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), and (vi), while the indirect strategies are (i), (viii), and (ix). Based on the level of politeness, the most polite expression is (i), the polite expressions are (v), (vi), (vii), the mild rude expressions are (ii) and (iii), the rude expressions are (iv) and (vii), and the rudest expression is (ix).

Keywords : Speech act, Forbidding, Strategy, Direct, Indirect, Level of politeness.

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