Sumini Theresia(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


This research is to provide to enhance the learning quality history through the use of the cooperative Jigsaw technique applied in Warga High School, Class X, Surakarta.

Designed as two-cycle Class Research Action or Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, it involved 39 students of Class X in the academic year of 2008/2009. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Test and portfolio were instruments used for collecting data on students achievement in terms of product and process; questionnaire was used to gain information on students interest in the learning model; observation and reflection were attempted to examine how each cycle operated; interview was done to grasp teachers perception on the model. Using mixed method, qualitative analysis is used to interpret the findings in the observation, while quantitative analysis is used to read data from the test and the questionnaire. Reflection is conducted to interpret issues raised in the class in order to see if particular followup actions are implemented.

The research results are as follows: 1) All activities the model teacher in history learning were taken place in accordance to principles in cooperative learning; 2) The observed students activities came in the form of reading LKS, making portfolio, asking, and practicing a number of cooperative skills; 3) The applied approach in learning history helped enhance the students achievement, as proven by the students accomplished learning both individually and in group;.

Key words : Cooperativ, Jigsaw, Activities, Cooperative skills, Achievement

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