G. Hendra Poerwanto, A. Yudi Yuniarto


This study aims to identify the factors supporting and inhibiting the undergraduates of Sanata Dharma University in entrepreneurship, especially students interested in entrepreneurship who already have, do not have and have had business of their own. Hopefully, the results of this study can be used to 1) formulate a model of effective entrepreneurship development, 2) sharpen the entrepreneurship curriculum design to be more targeted and effective, 3) formulate relevant policies to support student entrepreneurship program of the Directorate General of Higher Education (Directorate General of Higher Education). This study is a descriptive-basic research (descriptive/exploratory research) using a questionnaire survey instrument to collect the data. Respondents participated in this study were 50 undergraduate students who interested in entrepreneurship. Sampling was done using stratified proportional random sampling technique. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistical analysis and qualitative assessment based on the results of the Focus Group Discussion. The study found that 1) more than 50% of students interested in entrepreneurship have one or more of these factors: Belief, Time, Energy, Parents Support, Support Friends, Knowledge, Assistance, Support Funding, and Activities/Other Business. Less than 50% of them do not have one or more of the above factors. 2) Students who already have, do not have, and have had a business of their own has different patterns of assumptions regarding the supporting and inhibiting factors related to entrepreneurship major. If it is the same, it shows the different problems in the context of the needs of entrepreneurs. This study recommends that to encourage students who do not have business in order to start a business of their own, or to develop a business for those who already have a business of their own, or rebuild the business for those who have had business of their own, the effort necessary to set the programs that fit the needs of optimizing contributing factor in order to overcome the obstacle that a typical student is urgently needed. However, to further refine the design of effective entrepreneurship program for students who already have, do not have, and have had a business of their own still requires further studies related to entrepreneurship from the perspective of those who have devoted their lives to be entrepreneurs.

Keywords : Entrepreneurial, Entrepreneurship, Supporting Factors, Inhibiting Factors

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