Darsiti Darsiti(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


The problem in this study is the students low ability to compose at SMP N 3 Banguntapan. Because the students are not able to write poetry, and they are not quite talented, not to mention the teaching method is conventional, less innovative and not creative, the class becomes uninteresting and boring.

The aims of the studies are (1) to apply learning through creative writing poetry by mind clustering methods collaboratives with password techniques on class VII SMP N 3 Banguntapan, (2) to determine whether the use of mind clustering techniques able to improve the effectiveness in writing creative poetry. Action research was conducted in the classroom VIIF SMP N 3 Banguntapan totaling 28 students. The study was done in March through May 2012. The study was done for 2 cycles with each cycle of 2-3 sessions. The activities began with the planning, implementation, observation,and reflection.

The results showed that the learning Writing Creative Poetry through Collaboration of Mind Clustering Method and Using Password Techniques (1) received a positive response from students, (2) creative writing poetry learning becomes meaningful and fun for students, and (3) mind clustering methods and password technique was effective for improving student learning outcomes, as evidenced by the results of creative writing poetry students increased from the average value before the action 6.7, following the action to be 7.1 on the first cycle and 7.45 in the second cycle.

Key words : effectiveness, learning, creative writing poetry, collaboration, clustering mind method, password techniques.

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