Muhammad Yuslih(1*), Titian Ayu Naw Tika(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Article written by the author focuses on examining Aristotle's ideas and thoughts regarding Citizens and the State. Reflections from Aristotle's book La Politica. The author wants to know how good citizens and states should be, according to Aristotle?, and how is the relationship between the state, citizens and the existing constitution?. So this paper attempts to provide answers to these two questions. In a country there are several important elements such as identity, obligations, rights, participation and the application of shared social values. In the book La Politica. Aristotle says that citizens take part of the life of a country. To be a good citizen is how to get involved and take part in the life of the state. And for Aristotle a good state is one that is able to combine the systems of aristocracy and democracy. Then the middle path taken by Aristotle in this case to become a good country, the results of this study show that a good country must need good citizens as well. The dependence and the relationship between the two cannot be separated from each other. The constitution in a country aims to regulate its citizens. Constitutional rules are very important in a country as long as the constitution is shaped by the happiness and justice of its citizens, this is the main and highest goal in society


Country, Citizen, La Politica, Aristotle


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