Issue |
Title |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Al-Ghazali's Ethics in Supporting Character Education The Perspective of the Manggarai Community through Uwa Haeng Wulang Langkas Haeng Ntala |
Yulianus Gunawan Mamput |
Vol 1, No 1 June (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Application of Design Thinking as a Renewable Pastoral Method in Faith Formation Based on Age And Sustainable in The Faith of The Alpha Generation |
Cindy Fransiska Br Tarigan |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Appreciation of Catur Sembah in The Context of The Eucharist and Javanese Tradition for Javanese Transmigrants in Tugumulyo Oki, South Sumatera |
Iknasius Bayu Lesmana, Atanasius Deimen Wahana Utama, Olaf Shyantica Wisanggeni, Alfonsus Rodriquez Dhandi Pratama |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Between Diversity and Disorder Trans Identities Reconsidered |
Ezra Iskandar, Samuel Soegiarto |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Contemplating Interfaith Pastoral Counseling for The Spiritual Well-Being of Transwomen in The Seruni Community, Yogyakarta |
Mutiara Andalas, Klara Gambacorta Larassati Suciari |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Educating Compassionate Attitudes: Perkampungan Sosial Pingit as a Mode for Public Theology |
Amadea Prajna Putra Mahardika, Jakobus Aditya Christie Manggala, Paulus Bambang Irawan |
Vol 1, No 1 June (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Faith that Leads to Action: Perspectives from the Acts of the Apostles |
C. Sunil Ranjar |
Vol 1, No 1 June (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Gender Equality in Batak Toba Society in the Lights of the Theological Thoughts of Ivone Gebara |
Rina Elysa Sinurat, Moses Putra Gautama, Andreas Ama Kelen, JB. Heru Prakosa |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Intercultural Interpretation of the “Good Shepherd” within the Indonesian Context |
Roberthus Kalis Jati Irawan, Frederick Ray Popo, Andreas Agung Nugroho, Barry Ekaputra, Nikolas Kristiyanto |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Javanese Cultural Inculturation in the Depiction of Mother Mary’s Statues: a Semiotic Analysis and Theological Reflection |
Patrik Diego Arbi Arwendi, Yohannes Bramanda Ryan Kharisma, Feremenatos Oktafilio Adi Prasetya |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Messianic Sign in Wedding at Cana: Revealed God’s Glory and Leads Jesus' Disciples to Faith Narrative Reading of John 2,1-12 |
Paulus Halek Bere |
Vol 1, No 1 June (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Naim Stifan Ateek's Palestinian Liberation Theology for The Israel-Palestine Conflict |
Valentinus Fio Milinio Febriantoro, Thomas Lasmono Wibowo, JB. Heru Prakosa |
Vol 1, No 1 June (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Navigating הבל (hbl): Qohelet's Meaning of Life and its Affinity with Frankl's Logotherapy |
Christian Nito Antasuda Sanchez, Bernadus Dirgaprimawan |
Vol 1, No 1 June (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Parrhesia: The Development of the Meaning and Its Influence on the Christian Evangelization |
Ishak Jacues Cavin, Klaus H. Raditio, Wahyu Santosa, Nikolas Kristiyanto |
Vol 1, No 1 June (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Pension Fund and a Faith that Promotes Justice in Indonesian Context |
Rafael Mathando Hinganaday |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Religion, Justice and Women: the Views of Dominican Christian Mystics Meister Eckhart and Franciscan Bonaventura |
Is Bryan Bowo Pangestu, Falenrius Nderi, Agustinus Dwi Handono, JB. Heru Prakosa |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Role Models of The Early Christians’ Life (Acts 2:41-47) for Pastoral Lingkungan in The Archdiocese of Semarang |
Aditya - Relliantoko, Feremenatos Oktafilio Adi Prasetya, Antonius Galih Arga Wiwin Aryanto |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Seven Steps of Interreligious Dialogue of Action Increasing Employee's Engagement |
Kanisius Komsiah Dadi, Theresia Maria Margi Jatining Kasih |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Solidarity Towards the Poor Based on the Ideas of Pope Francis |
Bonaventura Dwi Putra, Yohanes Wahyu Rusmana |
Vol 1, No 1 June (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
The Contribution of Friday Bikers Community to the Dilemma of Busy Household and Active Church Participation |
Yovendi Mali Koli, Lolong Ambrosius, Martinus Joko Lelono |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
The Implementation of Migration Theology according to Gemma Tulud Cruz in the Talithakum Network of Yogyakarta |
Leo Agung Tyas Prasaja, Gregorius Sigit Triwahyudi, Andreas Agung Yubile, Fermino Billy Deva Septaldo |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
The Implementation of Religious Moderation in Jesuit High Schools in Indonesia: Catholic Religious Education Teachers’ Perspectives |
Alexander Hendra Dwi Asmara |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
The Rise of Pornography The Need for Vigilance From All Levels of Society |
B Agus Rukmono, Bobby Steven Octavianus |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
The Spirituality of Saint Tarcisius in the Role of Acolytes at Saint Francis Xavier Parish in Yogyakarta |
Bernardus Agus Rukiyanto, Engelbertha E. Beyda |
Vol 1, No 2 December (2024): Proceedings of The International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities |
Toben Lewo: Social Safety Nets Within The Framework of Religious Moderation |
Anselmus Dore Woho Atasoge, Maria Yulita C. Age, Primiaty Natalia Sabu Kopong |
1 - 25 of 25 Items |