Misi Gereja di Tengah Pluralitas Agama dan Budaya

Y. Hariprabowo(1*),

(1) STFT St. Yohanes Pematang Siantar Medan; Seminari Tinggi St. Petrus Pematang Siantar, Medan
(*) Corresponding Author


Modern society is marked by an increasing plurality at any sphere. Among
believers of great religious traditions, pluralism is a blessing as well as a real
challenge. Many religions imply truth claims and theological dogma which are
absolute in character. On the other hand, most of them are missionary body
of religions. Christianity itself is very apostolic. The existence of the Church
is for mission (Matt 28:19), to bring the Good News of love and liberation,
embodied in Jesus Christ. Within a pluralistic society, this mission will not be
automatically welcomed. There are people with different religious believes and
many were neither born Christian nor introduced ever to Jesus Christ. Within
this pluralistic reality, evangelization rightly characterized by humility, mutual
listening and respect for different religious and cultural values. Religious
dialogue is a matter of urgency especially to discern constructively common
values such as justice, mercy and peace for the betterment of human society.
Method of contextual theology needs to be employed to promote a theology
of mission with emphasis on inclusive Reign of God and reconciliation.

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